What Does Romans 13 Teach?
Romans 13:1 KJV, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.
For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”
Apostate ministers and even criminals at work in the U.S. government are trying to corrupt the true meaning of Romans 13, in an attempt to brainwash people to OBEY the lawless tyrants who have taken over The White House. God never intended for Christians to blindly support tyranny, killing the innocent, rape, thievery and lying.
Modern corrupt versions of the Bible, such as the loathsome New International Version [NIV] have perverted the Romans 13 passage to teach submission to government tyranny. Romans 13:1 in the NIV states…
“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”
The governing authorities? In sharp contrast, the King James Bible tells us to “be subject unto the higher powers.” The U.S. Constitution is a higher power than the “governing authorities.” Otherwise we have no rights. Our Bill of Rights is a higher authority over the federal government.
Sadly, these rights have been largely ignored and denied by federal and militarized state governments in recent times. The artificially created boogieman of terrorism has been used to bring us under an oppressive regime of abusive tyranny. Whereas millions of men died to give us our freedoms, it only took the death of 2,7521 citizens on 911 for us to surrender them.
God is a higher power over all. Acts 5:29, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” The U.S. Constitution does not give us our rights—God does—The U.S. Constitution simply outlines our God-given rights. Howbeit, the Constitution is extremely important and we should defend it, because it does give to us legal enforcement of our rights. The drafters of the Bill of Rights (i.e., the first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution) didn’t trust the government, anymore than we should today, which is why they insisted on the right to own and carry guns in the 2nd Amendment. If everyone in society today owned and carried a gun, there would be virtually no crime. Despite President Barack Obama’s false rhetoric, desperate efforts are underway by the federal government to make gun ownership almost an impossibility. They say that they’re not against owning guns, yet they fully intend to make it so cost-prohibitive to own a gun that few people will be able to do so.