The Evil That is The U.S.A.

The Evil That is The U.S.A.


America has aborted over 60 million innocent babies, taken prayer out of the schools, exported violence and sex through the media and internet to the entire world, removed justice from her courts on the highest level, and made acceptable what God calls abominations such as homosexuality, adultery, and all kinds of vile perversions.

Public school children are wickedly indoctrinated with the blatant lies of evilution (devilution), homosexual perversion, New Age doctrine, Harry Potter’s witchcraft, and atheist philosophies, and then Americans freak out and wonder why these kids grow up to become serial killers, sexual degenerates, and monsters! Are we really that foolish in the United States? Yes, we are, because we are WICKED!!! A life without God can only result in insanity.

The battle today is between man’s will and God’s law—between man’s word and God’s word. Men say they have the “right” to commit sodomy, but God says they don’t. Women say they have the “right” to murder their children, but God says they don’t. God bless America??? He already has my friend, but His hand of blessing is quickly departing. Our nation is in massive debt. Millions of Americans are unemployed and have lost their homes. A police state is being formed.

We have been blessed greatly in the United States. Did you know that 2.4 billion people in the world survive on less than $2 a day? Many Americans spend ten times that just for lunch. We have been blessed, my friend! Unfortunately, many folks are squandering their freedom, which was handed to them on a silver platter. We owe our freedom to God and the men who died to secure it.

This nation was established on Biblical principles. Barack Obama publicly stated in 2008 that “America is no longer a Christian nation.” Unfortunately, Obama is correct. We are today a heathen nation. America today is more Communist than ever. More and more people are expecting the government to take care of them. More and more, the government is controlling our lives. We are living in a time when the government is forcing parents to drug their children against their will. We are living in a time when a man is often considered guilty until proven innocent. We are living in a time when a mother can murder a father’s baby against his will. This nation’s days of freedom are numbered! America is a sinfully proud, arrogant, stiffnecked, and irresponsible nation.