Signs of the End Times

Signs of the End Times


Israel being gathered from among the nations and made a nation once again, Israel, a country that had not existed as a separate nation for nearly 2,500 years, was declared a new sovereign state by an act of the United Nations on May 14, 1948. The nation was literally born in a single day, just as God predicted it would be. Ezekiel 11:17

Travel and knowledge will be greatly increased. Daniel 12:4

Global real-time communications will become a reality so that the final two witnesses will be seen simultaneously around the world

Lawlessness will be abounding so that cities, states, and regions will cast off the rule of law, and anarchy will reign

Worldwide falling away from the church and, at the same time, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit

A developing one-world political and economic system to be headed by a world ruler (the anti-Christ)

The coming one-world system will require everyone to receive a “mark“ so that they may buy or sell

Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple upon the temple mount in Jerusalem (destroyed in 70 A.D.)

People scoffing and mocking at the notion of end times, saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? (2 Peter 3:3–4)


Your Brother in Christ

Brother Randy