Do You Know Where You’re Going When You Die?

Do You Know Where You’re Going When You Die?

Folks the Gospel (Good News) is so simple to understand. Jesus instructed us in the book of Mark;
Mark 16:15
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Every creature means those that are intelligent with great understanding all the way down to those that are simple minded with less to no understanding. That is why God made the Gospel so simple to understand. So everyone could accept the Good News (Gospel) and be saved from eternal torment and separation from God.
Jesus died, was buried, and was resurrected to pay for your sins, past, present, and future. All that is required of you is to repent (change your mind), believe, have complete faith in the fact that Jesus did die for You. Confess to God that you are a sinner, that you deserve eternal damnation and separation from Him. Ask him to save you, to forgive you, and to deliver you from eternal separation and torment in hell. Then put your complete Faith in Jesus Christ as your Saviour.

After you do this ask yourself; “Do I Know Where You’re Going When You Die?” You absolutely do know now, you’re going to Heaven, to be with God for eternity.

Your Brother in Christ

Bro Randy