Are we Sinners?

Are we Sinners?

Many Christians in today’s churches believe that they are not sinners. They believe that only those individuals who do not belong to a regular Sunday meet for worship church are sinners. They believe that only those who attend these churches are truly saved. They believe that those individuals who do not attend a regular Sunday worship church are still lost and seeking salvation. This, of course, is certainly not biblical (Romans 3:10). Certainly attending a church regularly for worship, spiritual growth, and fellowship can be very advantageous to one’s relationship and walk with the LORD. Yet it is not a requirement for salvation, nor does it relieve you of the burden of sin. At the moment of our conception, we inherit the burden of sin. I believe this is the burden Daniel was speaking about in the book of Psalms (Psalms 51:5). We all know, or should know, the story of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis. We know how sin entered this world (Romans 5:12), and we know from further reading of our bible, how sin will ultimately be taken out of this world (2 Thessalonians 2). While we are still on this planet, we will always be surrounded by sin. Believers and non-believers will continue to sin; believers will sin until we are called up to our Lord in the sky.

We are not sinners because we sin; we sin because we are sinners. What then will keep us from being cast into the lake of fire like non-believers if we do sin? Well, let’s see what the scriptures say (Ephesians 2:8). Do we want to sin? absolutely not. Jesus tells us in the book of John that if we love him, keep his commandments (John 14:15). But we are humans; we are fallible. There was only one that ever walked this earth that was sinless from birth to death, and that was our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Your Brother in Christ

Brother Randy