The Satanic Takeover of the USA
Government bankruptcy and indebtedness are at an all-time high; we are trillions of dollars in debt, which is rising at an alarming rate. The United States of America is becoming the world’s greatest villain, hated and disrespected by other nations.
Our children are not receiving a proper education in contemporary schools. Instead, they are being influenced, manipulated, and introduced to extreme satanic ideologies crafted by various organizations and individuals: educators, social engineers, planners, governmental grants, federal and state agencies, multi-billion dollar foundations, think tanks, universities, research initiatives, policy organizations, and more. All these groups utilize a manufactured “crisis” to advance their agendas by presenting radical reforms disguised as solutions to the crisis.
Genocide and the abuse of veterans are occurring at a startling rate. Vets receive subpar medical care at the majority of VA hospitals, which are deathtraps. Agent Orange (Vietnam), Persian Gulf War Illness, and other service-related ailments are killing millions of veterans.
Social Security Funds are being robbed as the Feds continue to waste money on worthless spending scams. Millions of deserving, law-abiding senior citizens are starving while illegals are fed, housed, and compensated for breaking the law.
American jobs are being outsourced to foreigners in countries like Mexico, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, and Red China. The manufacturing sector in America is rapidly shrinking and moving elsewhere.
The United States aborts over 700,000 unborn children per year. These innocent children are being slaughtered as a result of carelessness and to further political agendas.
Foreign students are taking over America’s colleges, universities, and public schools. And are being brainwashed to further political agendas.
Corporate globalism: As globalist organizations, greedy American companies are antagonistic to American interests and lack patriotism.
State, federal, and U.N. hate crime laws restrict free expression, ban criticizing Israel, and stop the spread of the Christian faith.
The White race is being discriminated against, and American culture is savaged by the promotion of “cultural diversity.”
Satanic influence is spread through vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, and physically humiliating media, including television, movies, cartoons, novels, video games, and advertisements. Satan wants to dehumanize people, promote sexual savagery, undermine religious obedience, cause gender confusion, and raise questions about God’s benevolence and creation.
(Genesis 1:27 KJV: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.)
Law enforcement is terrorizing the very people that they swore to serve and protect, and at the utmost of importance, they are ignoring your constitutional rights. They are spitting on the same Constitution that they swore to protect.
Open border policies have left millions of taxpayers and law-abiding citizens at the mercy of gang violence, rape, kidnapping, illegal drugs, and theft. While your demented elected officials take handouts and bribes and turn a blind eye to the invasion of the United States of America.
The “Imminent Domain” Law is frequently invoked to confiscate private property and limit its usage to further the Communist goals of globalist and ecological groups.
An unjust and illegal tax system that turns Americans into federalized slaves and state wards by robbing “We the People.”.
US military use for international mercenary operations. Americans must fight and pay for Israel’s wars, and they must sacrifice their lives for reasons unrelated to American defense.
The vile LGBQT+ agenda is being forced upon innocent children and the rest of society. Satan has created a world through political coercion where males think they are females and females think they are males; it’s a satanic world of make believe.
Water supplies are manipulated, and artificial shortages are created to control the populace and raise water rates. Fluoride and other toxic chemicals are being found in everyday drinking water supplies.
The people’s will is thwarted by two pointless political parties with the same true agenda and by rigged, crooked elections. The Right/Left Paradigm Lie has divided “We the People,” allowing the government to administer at will any unconstitutional law it deems necessary to accomplish its agenda.
Concentration camps of the gulag were set up for dissidents and resisters.
The satanic perversion of Christianity is promoted through modern churches. It encourages and promotes false religions.
Satanic indoctrination of society through occult influences and symbols permeates media, music, entertainment, and sports.
Propaganda ministries and elitist media partners take the place of the free press and strive tirelessly to manipulate, brainwash, and dominate the public’s thoughts.
The “War on Terror” is being utilized as a ruse to revoke people’s constitutional liberties and establish an American police state.
Death culture was promoted. mental conditioning. desensitizing the populace to the impending mass holocaust, which will involve cruelty, cannibalism, abortion, euthanasia, necrophilia, and group death.
Your Brother in Christ
Brother Randy